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Exhibitor Testimonials 2024

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Our events are not only designed to educate cyber professionals on how to mitigate any risk to their business but also to  help cyber security companies expand their reach: 

  • Exhibiting with UK Cyber Week is an opportunity to connect with 1000's of engaged buyers seeking cyber security solutions to protect their organization.

  • Showcase your services and cutting-edge solutions to influential decision-makers at our event.

    Whether you're an established leader or an emerging start-up,UK Cyber Week is the perfect platform to showcase your products and grow your client base.

We believe that UK Cyber Week is the perfect event for you, but don't take out word for it.

Exhibitor testimonials

Sales Director 

UK Cyber Week was perfect us. My sales team had 2 solid days of positive conversations. The turnkey stand meant I could get on with my day job vs drowning in logistics and when I did have questions, the after sales care was exemplary which you don't find at larger events where you are just a number amongst 100's of others.

Marketing Director 

Overall, I really enjoyed UK Cyber Week. . The event had much more of a community feel than I'm used to from other events, and I'd highly recommend  sponsoring if you're looking for somewhere to exhibit where you can have actual conversations rather than just being raided for swag.


Whilst being a startup and not having a huge budget we were built a bespoke package to suit our needs and we took advantage of the pre show comms we were offered. It made landing onsite with conversations easier and given the intimate nature of UK Cyber Week it felt like we were seen by the majority of attendees vs being lost at a larger event.